The Rising Zao App

The Rising Zao App 1

A couple of months ago the renovated Russian platform FaceApp created an unprecedented propaganda due to its smart utilization of artificial intelligence techniques to present the user with older and younger versions of himself.

However, September 2019 seems to be the month of the rising Chinese platform Zao that has taken its hometown market and global communities by storm since its recent release. The face-swapping app is currently dominating the scene as it presents users with a one of a kind cinematic experience where the user gets to be the protagonist.


Zao App

The free Zao application has been around for only few days and it has garnered the attention of millions of social media and artificial intelligence enthusiasts who are eager to try out the various TV and movie characters that can be replaced by oneself via the Zao platform. Zao allows you to take the place of any popular character in a movie or a TV show – such as Titanic or Game of Thrones – once you supply a series of photos that can be alternated by the Chinese app to put the user in the middle of the chosen scene for few seconds!

Clearly enough, people everywhere are growing increasingly interested in AI techniques and how they can be used in a face-swapping app such as the Chinese Zao; through this platform, millions of users get to put their likeness amidst the intensity of hundreds of viral scenes from well-known movies and TV shows.

ZAO Users

Many users have already shared some of their Zao results expressing their positive feedback on how Zao imposed their faces on notorious characters via AI techniques. As of now, the Zao app is the no. 1 downloaded app in China and it’s ascending rapidly to prominence in foreign markets and international communities. You can supply the Zao app with a single photo or a series of selfies with varied expressions in order to get authentic results as the character you chose to be!

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And like any other newly released app, the Chinese Zao platform is starting to be questioned about its privacy policy and whether it’s completely safe to upload photos without being saved permanently in the servers. Many experts are demanding the Zao application to clarify whether the photos and selfies uploaded by the user get deleted after being used or not. Developers of Zao stated that the Chinese face-swapping platform isn’t designed to spy on users or steal their content; any visual content uploaded by the user but not used gets deleted from the servers.

Chinese Zao app privacy

Despite the privacy concerns, the Zao software continues to attract more users every day – who want to impose their faces on famous characters and enjoy a new AI experience! However, owners of Zao stressed that they welcome any type of review or feedback in order to fix any issue in the face-swapping app, and they assured the fans that their content is not to be used in any way other than the development of the Zao platform.

Written by ZAO

Hi guys! We love this app and we enjoy making deep-fake videos, yeah!

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